31 July, 2009

First task done

Posted by Keith Pickersgill.
The first task is over.
It was a precision launch and precision landing, starting at 06h00, with absolutely zero wind and soaking wet (and slippery) grass. Launching was tough, but our team did OK with most nailing their first launch. Landing for the foot-launched paramotors involved killing the engine at minimum 600 feet, then gliding to kick a soccer ball and landing immediately after that. If one landed before the ball or missed the ball, then they scored the distance from the ball. The trikes had to land on a series of Five lines with the center line being the target.

Next task starts at 11h00 and is Pure Navigation, distance accumulation via own choice of turnpoint sequence, maximum 2 hours from start-gate to end-gate, ending no later than 17h00. Weather forecast looks great! Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Go for it guys and good luck...getting off to a good start will be fantastic...anyway...as long as the party is good after, it's all worthwhile ;-)
