01 August, 2009

Task 3

Posted by Alison

Day 2 has two tasks, Task 3 and Task 4

Task 3

This is an economy and navigation task. First of all, the guys needed to completely empty their engines of fuel. They are then given their pre-measured fuel while the Spanish team members check. The SA team also check the Spanish team and all of this takes place in a quarantine area. Once the machines are filled they are placed in another quarantine area.

They have only 5 litres of fuel to fly 50km. They are also given 14 photos and have to mark on this route where they see these landmarks. The landmarks are 200m from a track that can be followed which is given using turnpoints. There are also certain no fly zones that they are not allowed to fly over. Amongst these 14 photos are other photos of landmarks that are more than 500m away from the track. These have to be ignored. If they are marked on their map they get negative scores. On top of all of this (following a track, looking and marking landmarks) they have limited fuel that they use and need to get back to the airfield. If they land out they get zero score.

Once (and if) they return, they mark where they saw landmarks on a sheet provided and this is scored.

Good Luck Guys!!! (and no outlandings please - the manager is "tired" of fetching and seeing the beautiful countryside where they drive on the wrong side of narrow roads!)

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