28 July, 2009

First Video Compilation

Click the picture to view the streaming video, or download the original video: wpc-video1.flv


Natasha Calitz said...

Wat 'n fantastiese video ouens ek het dit sommer baie geniet dit is baie kreatief en professioneel en salf vir ons vrouens wat by die huis bly se siele, sterkte ons is trots op julle.

Jeremy D (Cape Town) said...

Great stuff guys. Enjoy!

Ron Höll said...

This Blogg is a Gr8 idea to keep us updated with whats going on at the PPG Worlds. Give it all you got guys and like always, have fun.

Elmar Meyer said...

That's it Manne, (and Allison)
Youre done following that red Van now,.... Now it's time to go out and make that green and gold do it's magic!!!.
Thanks for the updates....
ps Tony .. it's time you come home now, I want to fly !!!!
