08 August, 2009

Ricky waxes the last task

On Friday afternoon the last task (figure 8 slalom) of the competition, was flown.

Ricky had some engine trouble and missed his slot. He managed to get airborne again and had to wait for the full field to complete before he could do his task. With the current leaders going last the crowd was chearing for the top-dogs. They had no idea what to expect from the unknown South African comming in after the world's best.

After an outstanding run Ricky managed to score the second best time of the comp for the task and received a huge cheer from the crowd. We'll done Ricky! Unfortunately rulles are rules and he got penalised with 20% of his score for missing his slot.

The SA positions for the task.
Ricky - 11th
Tony - 32nd
Pieter -35th (Also received 20% penalty for missing his slot)

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